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Our CDC solution

We’re a trusted partner to over 100 NHS Trusts

We work for and with the NHS, providing the very best care for the patient,
closer to their homes, at every step of the journey.


We’ll mobilise a:
relocatable expandable scanner, delivered to your door within days.


We’ll set up a:
multi-faceted, diagnostic village, delivered to your door in months


We’ll serve as:
a trusted, expert partner, delivering quality Community Diagnostic Centres

The strategy behind our solution

Here's how we will achieve that

Our mobile and relocatable scanner solutions enable rapid deployment of additional capacity to help meet short-term capacity requirements. These flexible solutions provide superior patient experiences, while enabling immediate capacity expansion.


  • Next day and same day scanning service
  • Superior patient experience
  • A fast, high-quality - short term solution
  • State-of-the-art diagnostic equiptment
  • Skilled teams

This CDC solution is designed to be bespoke, scalable and accommodate year-on-year growth - providing flexibility in terms of size and location, and an improved experience for patients.

We can create an instant and highly professional diagnostic scanning village (set up within months) using innovative ‘expandable’ technology, that meets your immediate needs.


  • Next day and same day scanning
  • Consultation rooms
  • Staff offices
  • PET-CT & MRIt
  • Reception
  • Changing areas & Storage

We will build you a new, permanent structure that can be operational within 12 months.

Our experience in implementing similar and highly successful outpatient centres across Europe means you are in very safe hands. Our CDCs tackle immediate overflow and capacity growth, with the ability to extend as and when needed to fulfil any additional elective diagnostic demand. And always with the patient in mind.

We will plan for now and the future - allowing you to accommodate additional modalities as desired - without disruption to existing clinical services.


  • State-of-the-art digital scanners including MRI, CT and PET
  • Capital reserves - to build bespoke centres
  • Endoscopy
  • Pathology
  • Oncology
  • Women’s Health

Discover the success of our existing community diagnostic centres

We have a long history of partnerships in diagnostics, serving over 800,000 patients a year across a network of 50 centres in the UK. We are able to draw on our experience and knowledge from our UK and international network.
Take a look

The Turner Diagnostic Centre, Colchester

A multi-modality diagnostic facility, the TDC is an excellent example of partnership, collaboration and co-design between Alliance Medical and the NHS. The TDC contains MRI, PET-CT and Nuclear Medicine. It also houses joint Radiology reporting space, meeting rooms and staff rest areas. The TDC has delivered a much needed diagnostic centre for the locality, providing great patient access and a superior patient experience. 

“We are very proud of the TDC and the partnership we have formed with Alliance Medical to deliver improved diagnostic imaging services to Colchester. The Partnership was founded on developing an open and honest dialogue and through gaining an early understand each other’s objectives and desired outcomes.“ 

Dawn Scarified
Chief Finance Officer
East Suffolk & North Essex NHS FT

35 Community Diagnostic Centres in Italy

In Italy, Alliance Medical has created over 35 Community Diagnostic Centres. These Centres are multimodality and many are co-located with community based clinical services, with a range of different services based on the local needs of the health system. This experience allows AML to bring to the UK a greater understanding of how to introduce efficiency of design, flow and patient experience and satisfaction to a community setting.

According to our partners, AML’s community diagnostic centres have delivered several benefits: 

  • Waiting times reduced 
  • High mix of methodologies and services 
  • Location of the site (industrial area hence easy parking)
  • The range of innovation and technologies installed
  • High level of medical professionals involved
  • Synergies with healthcare public