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For the sake of your patients

Fully managed imaging for Public and Private Healthcare providers

Create an imaging department that becomes an integral part of your hospital, where you pay only for the scans and services you choose.

Solving budget issues

Even with clear and growing demand for diagnostic services, it is not always possible for a hospital to justify the purchase of imaging equipment. For a new or extended service, capital costs can be prohibitive and hospitals must also commit to the future costs of upgrades and replacements. Operationally, the hospital also has to find both the budget and the experienced staff needed to set up, manage and maintain a new department and service. - Alliance Medical delivers a comprehensive solution to these problems. You can work with a trusted and experienced partner who will fund all the immediate and future purchase costs and manage the new department to the standards you set. We will create an imaging department that becomes an integral part of your hospital, where you pay only for the scans and services you choose

I would rate Alliance MR scan as A+ Outstanding. With such a brilliant team like we have at St Peter’s, we are able to deliver an excellent service.

In-house Services

Rely on us

Alliance Medical have extensive experience of managing the end-to-end process of commissioning a new or extended scanning service. We work closely with you at every step to ensure that the new facility meets your clinical needs.

Our experienced staff will take you through each step of the process from building new accommodation, ordering your scanners and ancillary equipment, CQC registration, recruitment of staff and complete integration with all your hospital’s systems and services.

Our fully managed in house imaging service then provides on-going management of the facility so we provide the diagnostic imaging services your patients need but you retain control of standards and performance.

Flexible integrated service

Alliance Medical aim to be a natural extension of your existing offering to patients becoming another of your hospital’s many departments. Our services are completely integrated with your RIS PACS systems and work seamlessly with your hospital facilities. We can cover the receipt of referrals and booking of patients as well as the scanning service and full clinical reporting. As much or as little as you need. We are part of your hospital team.

The latest diagnostic equipment​

Our service ensures that your hospital always benefits from the latest diagnostic systems. Our equipment is maintained to strict schedule, upgraded when possible, and switched out on a quick replacement cycle.

You can count on immediate back-up from our mobile service should you need it.

State of the art clinical systems for patients and referrers

Alliance Medical has recently made a significant investment in a new, state of the art, clinical system, which improves the quality of radiology services for both patients and referrers. Patients benefit from this investment through greater consistency and efficiency in terms of how their referrals are authorised, booked, scanned and reported.

Let us advise you individually today.Your personal contact is looking forward to your inquiry.

What you can expect from our in-house service

  • Advanced imaging services without capital outlay
  • The latest diagnostic imaging scanners, analysis and reporting
  • Full maintenance, upgrade and replacement provision
  • Control of your own radiology services
  • End-to-end support from construction to management
  • Full integration with existing facilities, systems and services
  • High service resilience with immediate back-up
  • Confidence in consistently achieving national waiting time targets
  • A committed partner to reduce and share the risks